Friday, August 27, 2010

Get Your Brown Bags Out -- It's Back To School Time!

Yes, all three Norris girls are back in school. It's a bittersweet time as summer draws to an end and the new school year begins. Claire entered the realm of Jr. High and seems to be adjusting well. Lilian is at a new school as well and likes her teacher and Sophie has moved up the seniority ladder at her school as a 1st grader. Here are a few pictures that Tracey took:

Claire flashes a 7 on her first day as a 7th grader

7th grader - yay!

Lily getting ready to take the bus--she has always wanted to ride the bus
and now her school is far enough away that she can!

Lily boarding the bus

Lily and friends on the first day of 4th grade!

Many familiar faces

Lily stops for a pose

More Friends!

The youngest starts 1st grade

Sophie in front of her class with her pink Chuck Taylor's

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Dillon Beach 2010

We spent several days at Dillon Beach recently which is about 60 miles north of San Francisco. It was a really great trip. Pat and Sherry were out from Utah, so it was nice to spend some time with them. We spent most of our time at the beach and then playing games in the evening. Thanks to Mark and Kay for renting the awesome beach houses. The weather was great and I hope we can make it out again next year! We didn't take a ton of pictures but here a few.

Lilian strolling along the beach

Queen of the mountain!

Looking out into the entrance of Tomales Bay.

Sophie and some of the local wild life i.e.,crab

Your feet go here...

Sophie found a nice soft bed and pillow. This is Maggie who belongs to Steven and Trista

Lily flying a kite

Lily's smile says it all!