Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Soccer 2009

Soccer season officially started two weeks ago, so I thought I would post the girls' pictures. Claire's official pictures haven't come in yet, but I took some during one of their tournament games. They are all having fun and we are having fun watching them play. Lilian scored her first goal of the season on Saturday! It's fun to see the different levels of the game from Sophie's young team to Claire's Select team with Lilian right in the middle.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Feather Falls Hike

Tracey, Claire, Lilian and I hiked to Feather Falls up in Oroville on Saturday. The weather was great and it was a nice hike. Tracey's brother, Steven invited us to go with their family and some of their friends. The hike round trip is nine miles. The elevation is 2500 ft. and the falls are 410 ft. high.
